Current research projects
- LongTREC (Horizon Europe, MSCA-Doctoral Network 2021-101072892). The Long Reads European Transcriptomics Consortium. The next generation transcriptome biology revealed by single molecule sequencing technologies.
- NSF. Identifying the determinants of high protein content in seeds of Phaseolus
- Cell2Spine. (PROMETEO-CIPROM/2022/25). Spatial transcriptomics and cell communication models applied to tissue regeneration and treatment in spinal cord injury with precision nanomedicine.
- INFRAS2024. (CSIC, INFRA24018). Support and promote the current and future presence of the CSIC within ELIXIR. Aligned with the SISTEMAS, Digital-CSIC and EOSC projects.
- HubBCB. Coordination of the Connection in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics of CSIC.
Past research projects
- MO4D. (MICIN, PID2020-119537RB-100). Integration of multi-omics data to infer multi-layered disease models.
- SQANTI4. (NIH, 1R21HG011280-01). Development of methods for transcript quantification and differential expression analysis using long-read sequencing technologies
- Microbial Dark Matter. (NASA, 19-EXO19-0029, 2020-2022). Network modelling of stromatolite microbial communities to identify unknown species of successful adaptation.
- Functional analysis at the isoform resolution (University of Florida Start-up package, 2014): Development of a computational methodology to investigate the functional impact of alternative splicing, using long-read technologies.
- RFA-RM-17-001 (NIH-R03, 2017-2018): Galaxy platform for integrative metabolomics and transcriptomics analysis.
- A Novel Antimicrobial Approach To Combat Huanglongbing D. (USDA-SCRI, USA, 2015-2018): Computational modelling of detoxification pathways in citrus using RNA-seq data to investigate the response to greening disease treatment.
- Proyecto Intergrupo 2017 (Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, 2017-2019): Identification and modelling of molecular and cellular events of the immune response associated to the appearance of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients.
- UFII Seed Funds 2017 (University of Florida Informatics Institute, 2017-2018): Understanding the functional role of alternative splicing in crop traits.
- ChroMe (H2020, European Comision, 2016-2019): Training network to study the nexus between chromatin and metabolism for understanding the epigenetic adaptation in metabolic health and disease.
- PROMETEO 2016 (Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport, Generalitat Valenciana, 2016-2019): The Next Systems Biology: desarrollo de métodos estadísticos para la biología de sistemas multiómica.
- NOVELSEQ (Spanish Ministry MINECO, 2016-2018): Novel methods for new challenges in the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data such as the application of long reads to the transcriptome study, the transcriptome assays of single cells and the integration of multi-omic data.
- DEANN (Marie Curie IRSES, European Comision, 2014-2017): Developing a European American NGS analysis Network
- Integrative Analysis of TEDDY data to improve T1D diagnosis (Helmsley Charitable Trust, USA, 2015-2017): Integrative analysis of multiomics, nutritional, demographic and clinical data from a cohort of 1.000 T1D patients to find Type 1 Diabetes triggers.
- STATegra (FP7 Health, European Comision, 2012-2015): User-driven development of statistical methods for experimental planning, data gathering, and integrative analysis of Next Generation Sequencing, proteomics and metabolomics data.
- AYUDA COMPLEMENTARIA para proyecto STATegra (Conselleria d’Educació de la Generalitat Valenciana, 2015).
- Annot-lincRNA (Spanish Ministry MINECO, 2013-2015): Development of Computational Approaches for the characterization and functional annotation of long-non-coding RNA.
- GentxGent 2012-2013: Analysis of Discordant twins to study the relationship of gene expression and methylation associated to Systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Ayuda Complementaria para PATHOGENOMICS – Metabolomics and Interactiomics of the relationship host-pathogen (Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport, Generalitat Valenciana, 2012).
- Técnico de Apoyo para Redes Transcripcionales Controladoras de Virulencia en Hongos Filamentosos Patógenos (Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport, Generalitat Valenciana, 2012-2013).
- PIB2010AR (Spanish MICINN, 2010): Genomics and transcriptomics of dexotification pathways in Drosophila.
- Exploring novel genome-transcriptome relationships by Next Generation Sequencing approaches (Spanish MICINN, 2010): Development of computer platforms for the study of genomic regulation with deep sequencing techniques.
- TRANSPAT (ERA-NET, Spanish MICINN, 2009-2011): Development of transcriptional networks regulating virulence in filamentous fungi from RNA-seq data.
- Pathomics (ERA-NET, Spanish MICINN, 2009-2011): Metabolomics and Interactiomics of the relationship host-pathogen.