Genomics of Gene Expression




Florida Branch ASM 2016 Annual MeetingDate: October 14-16, 2016

Location: University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

Special Features: Special topics will include one-day R workshop and panel discussion on online teaching

American Society for Microbiology

Florida Branch

 The FLASM will publish the abstracts in the meeting program.  Questions should be directed to FLASM viaEMAIL . Complete and submit the online form.


Dr. Briana Burton
Assistant Professor of Bacteriology
Department of Bacteriology
University of Wisconsin – Madison

The title of the seminar will be:
Genes without Borders: Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Bacterial DNA Uptake


Dr. Jack Fell
Professor Emeritus
Department of Marine Biology and Ecology
University of Miami

 Dr. Fell will discuss his extensive career on the role of fungi in marine food webs


The R Project for Statistical Computing

 Date: October 14th   Location: University of Miami

The workshop will be taught by Dr. Ana Conesa of the University of Florida and will provide basic fundamental instructions associated with using R and target those students (and potentially principle investigators) who may want to learn new tools to help analyze and visualize their own big data sets (e.g. genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics).

Space in the workshop will be limited. When registering please indicate your interest in the workshop and the first 20 people will be enrolled in the workshop.