Genomics of Gene Expression

ChroMe_signaturAn EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Initial Training Network for PhD students

We are seeking 15 talented early-stage researchers (ESRs). Each ESR will join the research lab of a ChroMe network member and develop his/her own research project at the intersection of chromatin and metabolism. ESRs will enroll in local PhD programs and travel to attend events organized by ChroMe to train research and complementary skills. Research visits to other network members are planned and further encouraged. Our research positions are at the interface of molecular biology, physiology and bioinformatics. The network is thus suited to students of these disciplines, but we encourage also applicants from (bio-)chemistry, nutritional sciences, physics or engineering backgrounds.


Pioneering the nexus of chromatin and metabolism

ChroMe’s research targets an important nexus between metabolism and chromatin. This holds great promise to develop novel metabolic disease therapeutics, predict disease risk and take new preventive measures that can correct the genetic and epigenetic predisposition to obesity and diabetes. The research goals of ChroMe are to understand how chromatin is steered by metabolism to sustain health or cause disease, and to exploit our new knowledge and expertise to develop new therapies.


The available projects

No.1: Structure/function analysis of essential sugar-regulated transcription factors. (Ladurner, Munich)

No.2: Cell type specific sugar mediated gene transcription. (Margulies, Munich)

No.3: Effects of targeting key metabolic enzymes on post-translational protein modifications. (Imhof, Munich)

No.4: The biological role of metabolite binding by macroH2A histones. (Buschbeck, Barcelona) No.5:  The  influence  of  chromatin  regulators  on  metabolic  activity  and  hematologic  diseases. (Buschbeck, Barcelona)

No.6: Genomic and metabolomic fingerprint of skeletal muscle insulin resistance and the adaptive response to exercise in Type 2 diabetic patients. (Zierath, Stockholm)

No.7: Metabolism of gut microbiota regulates histone modifications in host tissues. (Yanes, Tarragona)

No.8: Determine Glucose sensing mechanisms through the mammalian transcription factor ChREBP. (Postic, Paris)

No.9: Pancreatic beta-cell Polycomb deficiency induces cellular dedifferentiation and diabetes. (Pospisilik, Freiburg)

No.10: Epigenetic regulators for diabetes therapeutics. (Ferrer, London)

No.11: Hypothalamic class IIa histone deacetylases regulate energy and glucose metabolism. (Tschoep, Munich)

No.12: Integrative analysis of functional isoforms-resolved transcriptomics, metabolomics and epigenomic changes during developmental courses. (Conesa, Valencia)

No.13: The microbiome and metabolome in aging rodents. (Mellor, Oxford)

No.14: Metabolic regulation of and by epigenetic targets and new therapeutic options. (Dreker, Munich)

No.15: The impact of mitochondrial dynamics in metabolic signalling networks. (Canto, Lausanne)


Application deadline is August 8th, 2016. For further information, eligibility rules and application portal see: