Genomics of Gene Expression


Call for Abstracts for Talks and Posters – Deadline Extended to May 15

Joint the conference as a presenter – The abtrsact deadline has been extended to May 15. Take this opportunity to join a thriving community, with 3 excellent keynote speakers, and many talks fused on algorithms for  High Throughput Sequencing Applications. HitSeq 2016 is a satellite meeting to the ISMB 2016 conference, and brings together biologists and computational scientists interested in exploring the challenges and opportunities in the analysis of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies. HiTSeq 2016 welcomes submissions on any topic related to HTS. However, this year we will be hosting two special tracks on Cancer Genomics & Precision Oncology and Single Cell Sequencing Applications.

Two of the three keynote speakers of the conference have been announced, both nicely aligned with this year’s special topics: Prof. Sunney Xie from Harvard University, a pioneer on single-molecule and -cell sequencing, and Dr. Lincoln Stein, from the Ontario Institute of Cancer Research, a renowned computational biologist working cancer translational research. The third keynote speaker will be announced shortly.
At this time, we are soliciting abstracts for posters and oral presentations. About 1/3 of these will be selected for oral presentations. The abstracts should target topics of immediate relevance in the field. To be considered for an oral presentation the material should not have been previously published in any journal or proceedings. Abstracts should be divided in “Background”, “Results”, and “Conclusions” sections, and can extend to up to 2 pages in order to permit proper review and assignment to poster or talks. bstracts should be submitted using the Easy Chair system following this link. Unless the authors specify that the submission is for poster presentation only, all abstracts will be considered for oral presentations as well. The final decisions whether each paper or abstract is presented as a talk or a poster will be made and communicated to authors by May 20. Authors of abstracts selected for oral presentations should confirm their intent to attend the conference and present their work by June 1st else their slot will be allocated to other abstract. All previous paper submissions will be automatically considered for abstracts irrespective of the outcome of the full paper review.

Key Dates/Deadlines:

  • Abstracts deadline: EXTENDED to May 15
  • Notifications to authors: May 20
  • Early registration ends: June 3
  • SIG conference: July 8-9

Organizing Committee:
Can Alkan, Ph.D. Bilkent University, Bilkent, Ankara,Turkey
Valentina Boeva, Ph.D. Institut Cochin/INSERM/CNRS, Paris, France
Ana Conesa, Ph.D. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
Francisco M. De La Vega, D.Sc. Stanford University & TOMA Biosciences Inc,  USA
Dirk J. Evers, Ph.D. Molecular Health GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
Kjong Lehmann, Ph.D. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Gunnar Rätsch, Ph.D. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. New York, NY, USA

For more Information: